Artificial Insemination Package: Cooled Semen $475.00 per cycle Includes: Ultrasound examinations, artificial insemination, hCG, and all pregnancy checks. Any pre- and post- uterine treatments are billed separately.
Artificial Insemination Package:Frozen Semen $650.00 per cycle using 2 doses semen/cycle $750.00 per cycle using 1 dose semen/cycle Includes: Ultrasound examinations, artificial insemination, hCG, and all pregnancy checks (if mare is hauled in). Any pre- and post- uterine treatments are billed separately.
Embryo Transfer Fees Embryo flush $350.00 per attempt Embryo transfer $400.00 when viable embryo is recovered Pregnant recipient at 15 days $2000 due Pregnant recipient at 45 days $1500 due at release Embryo preparation for shipping $250
Client-Owned Recipient Mare Fees $300 per cycle Includes: Ultrasound examinations and ovulation induction of the recipient mare per cycle.
Embryo Cryopreservation Embryo flush $350.00 per attempt Embryo vitrification $350.00 Embryo storage $30.00 per month Embryo transfer $400.00
Semen Collection/Evaluation $300.00 Includes: Semen collection, evaluation and preparation for cooled transport. Equitainer rental is available.
Semen Cryopreservation $50 per dose Includes: Semen collection and freezing Minimum $300 charge, maximum $750 charge (per collection) Storage $30.00 per month
Shipping and Handling Fees Equitainer, Fed Ex and courier service fees will be billed as they are incurred.
Boarding at Breeding Facility Stall (mare) $30.00 per day Stall (mare & foal) $35.00 per day Stall (stallion) $40.00 per day
Phone: 805-669-6864
Then day sniffed with its blue nose through the open stable window, and found them-- the foal nuzzling its mother, velvet fumbling for her milk. Ferenc Juhasz, B. 1928, Hungarian poet